
I see life all around,small peices,but come together to make something more.I create life,through writing,drawing,and creativity,I am the author of worlds

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Civil hauntings

       Let me just point out,my fanily has had many paranormal happening's,but this is a purly fictional story.
       It is 1964, the Heron family moved into a 2 story villa in Colombia,Illinois.The house was in disrepair,and they planned to fix it up by themselves.The first night they spent in the house they were all sleeping in the living room,but they hear someone walking around upstair's,and when they get up there,no one was there.And 5 minutes after they came back downstair's,the footsteps started again.The second search ended in the same result as the first.

     The herons were befuddled, there have been rouge footsteps,disapearing object's,and there daughter Sally proclaims someone whispered to her in the shower for over a week.The decided to reaserch the houses history and found out that the house was a medical building during the civil war.At least 8 recorded death's happened there.

     They soon found out that 2 men have been appearing at the foot of there son's bed for a week.During this time the mother heard scream's every night,and the father saw shadow's going up the stair's.

     Then,after only 2 week's,they moved out of the house, and into an apartment in Waterloo.The family had felt a lot less stressed than before.The house gave them a taste of history,but they perfer math.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Right Facts

       It is important to have accurate fact's on a research paper because if you have bad fact's,you will probably lose points.You can avoid this by looking at multiple resorses.You can also look at websites truly about the subject, not wikapedia or Google anwser's.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Alice's mind

      The cell all started with those got got my mom killed and my father is likley completley insane...

      I have been traveling with 2 men for the past 2 week's,Claton Ridell,amd Tom Mccourt.We took out a large group of them in Malten,saw many deaths,and traveled from Boston to Clay's real home,Kent Pond.

      But then...thing's went bad for me.2 lunatic's,normal but crazy,drove by and threw
 a cinder block at me!What did I do to them?We had actually seen them before...They were hurt,and I was giving them first aid! They stormed of saying we were poison and here we are.
       I'm going to die of this wound...I know that.I will join my mother in heaven,and my father if something happened to him too.I can see all that I have lost and heal all of my physical and emotional wound's.My nike.............where's my baby nike?

Thursday, November 4, 2010


    In our class we have three class goals.

 70% of  us must get 3 80% in tungsten.
I have already had 2 80%'s this year.

 71% of us must get at least 850 points on the SRI test.
I have gotten 1,362 points on the SRI test.

   And 98% of us must read 1,400 pages.
I have read over 5,000 pages.

We all have three important goals,but I have nearly succeded in all of them,and we are only 1/3 of the way through the year.