I see life all around,small peices,but come together to make something more.I create life,through writing,drawing,and creativity,I am the author of worlds
Im dying...but im not sure im really dead.I have been laying in the field for hours,bleeding but the grim reaper must be held up in traffic.Im just laying in the flowers,impossible to move,cant really feel anything.Is this heaven?Well it's peacefull,but I expected to see my loved ones,mom,dad,and maybe even my sister.But I see no one,im all alone in the field.Suddenly a cloud comes over the sun,and everything fades...
Awake again.Im starting to get irritated.Cant god just let me die?But I realize...I can move!I roll onto my side,woods surround my glade.But how am I alive?It must have been the clovers.
Charge!Soldirs rush the gate.
Archers rain arrows from the walls.
Knights rally troops
Battering rams hammer the gate.
We fight,we lose,we fall
We win,we fall.
Because there is always another battle.
Survival is our only hope,escape is the only hope of survival
But we cannot escape,and as more and more troops fall,I am glad,that battle will be no more.